Another outstanding performance from the youngest team in the County league!
Great to see another well deserved win. This team work so hard and take on all feedback and advice throughout the game and get stronger and stronger- its a pleasure to be court side with these girls!
Passing was much better today and we were *mostly* more disciplined in coming forward for the ball and getting in front and not going for the long overheads! It was lovely to see so much defensive pressure from everyone- real team work.
As the girls become more confident its also great to see their confidence in being more versatile on court as we try different combinations which helps the team to build and excel for the future.
Strengths in the game were the versatility and the defensive pressure- still need to work on running our feet to the ball to get two hands and gain possession of those balls and passing was also strong and accurate today.
Shooters worked very well together and provided great options, accuracy and movement in the circle. Both shooters took away POM's today with Rose taking Oppositions POM and Amelie taking Coaches POM
Well done girls- very proud and looking forward to your next game already!